The SolarNL program is based on the following references and policy reports.
Climate change
- Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis, IPCC, 2021.
Economic opportunity, strategic independence
- Building a competitive solar-PV supply chain in Europe, McKinsey, 2022.
- REPowerEU: A plan to rapidly reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels and fast forward the green transition, European Commission, 2022
- Fit-for-55, the EU plan for a green transition, Europese Commissie, 2021.
- International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaics, ITRPV, 2022
- Net zero by 2050 – a global roadmap for the global energy sector, International Energy Agency, 2022.
- Photovoltaics Report, Fraunhofer ISE, 2022.
Dutch climate policy
- Omzien naar elkaar, vooruitkijken naar de toekomst, Coalitieakkoord, 2021
- Begrippenkader RES, wind-op-land en zon-op-land, VIVET, 2022.
- Uitvoeringstafel Elektriciteit, Alles uit de kast, Werkgroep extra opgaven, 2022.
- Scenario’s voor een klimaatneutraal energiesysteem, TNO, 2022.
- Ruimtelijk Potentieel zonnestroom in Nederland, Generation.Energy in opdracht van TKI Urban Energy, 202).
- Meerjarig Missiegedreven Innovatieprogramma Hernieuwbare elektriciteits- opwekking op land en in de gebouwde omgeving, Topsector Energie 2022.
- Monitor Zon-PV, RVO, 2022
Transition scenarios
- Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition, R. Way et al., Joule 6, 1 (2022).
- Race for lowest costs of electricity production, L.A. Zafoschnig et al., IEEE J. of Photovolt. 10, 1632 (2020).
- Reflecting the energy transition from a European perspective and in the global context—Relevance of solar photovoltaics benchmarking two ambitious scenarios, C. Breyer et al., Progr. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 1 (2022)
- Global energy system based on 100% renewable energy, M. Ram, et al., (Lappeenranta University of Technology, 2019), ISBN: 978-952-335-339-8.
USA policy
- Inflation Reduction Act, 2022
China policy
- Ontwikkelingen Chinabeleid: een verschuiving van de balans, Kamerbrief 13-01-2023
Forced labour
- In broad daylight, Uyghur forced labour and global solar supply chains, L.T. Murphy and N. Elima, Helena Kennedy Center for International Justice, Sheffield Halam University (2021).
- Solar energy, modern slavery and the just transition, E. Cockayne, E. Rodriguez Huerta, and O. Burcu, University of Nottingham (2022).
Solar cell efficiencies
- Solar cell efficiency tables (version 61), M.A. Green et al., Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 31, 3 (2022).
Life cycle analyses
- Life cycle energy use and environmental implications of high- performance perovskite tandem solar cells, X. Tian et al., Sci. Adv. 6, eabb0055 (2020).
- The resources, exergetic and environmental foot- print of the silicon photovoltaic circular economy: Assessment and opportunities, N.J. Bartie et al., Conservation and Recycling 169, 105516 (2021).
Human capital
- Aanvalsplan Arbeidsmarkttekorten Techniek, Bouw en Energie, 2022
High school teaching materials